BMW 1929 bis 1945

BMW 1929 bis 1945
A new book, “BMW 1929 to 1945”, has recently been published, the authors being Walter
Zeichner, Rainer Simons, and Hagen Nyncke.
Rainer Simons will be known to many of our members as the producer of the superb and
definitive book on the 328, “From Roadster to Legend”.
Hagen Nyncke has been of great help to our club through BMW Archives in Munich.
More information can be found on the publisher’s website, the link being
The book is only available in German, but it is full of interesting photographs and
illustrations, some never having been published before.
It can be purchased from either the publishers in Germany or online from Amazon, which
may well be the easiest option.
Club Mailing Address
BMW Historic Motor Club
Lower Norgrove,
Yarrington Road,